Monday, 27 January 2014

Neb the footwarmer.

Finished my first day of the residency at The Old Sale Rooms. Really great to meet customers and have the opportunity to demonstrate rag rugging. Enjoyed meeting Laura who works in the Tea Rooms (can recommend her homemade chocolate cake!) and hearing about her memories of when this building was an auctioneers (Laura's father was the auctioneer). What an interesting history this old chapel has. Took bookings for my workshops. One woman commented on how the colours of the clothes I was wearing echoed those that I was using in the rug. She said that she has noticed I've colour co-ordinated with my rugs before! Quite unconscious, but then my rugs are made from recycled garments (some of them mine), so I guess the colours that I like wearing will eventually turn up in my rugs! What was really impressive though was that Neb (the owner's dog) also colour co-ordinated with the rug I was working on. He posed for a photo whilst sitting on my feet under the rug frame, and his fleecy doggy coat matched exactly the green I was using!

Here is the rug I have started today based upon the design of one of the stained glass windows on the top  floor of The Old Sale Rooms:

And here is a photo of progress made today:

Hmm, I can see a little bit that I'll need to redo tomorrow. The blue curve on the RH side isn't quite right....


  1. He is such a little cuddly darling, and in his warmy fleece coat too!

    1. I know, I've got very fond of Neb over the last three days and will be completely smitten by Friday I'm sure!
